Uragi wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru, also known as Uraboku and Betrayal Knows My Name, is the story of Yuki Sakurai. Yuki Sakurai is an orphan trying to find a reason for his existence and abilities to sense other people’s emotions (and cause things to explode). These abilities draw negative attention towards Yuki and make life for him and others difficult.
Yuki is saved by a mysterious tall man named Luka from danger. Yuki feels like he has met the man before and has odd dreams which Luka is in. One day a stranger claiming to be his brother shows up at the orphanage wanting to adopt him and explain his powers. In exchange Yuki must use his powers against the Giou Clan against the Duras.
I enjoyed watching all 24 episodes of this anime. I loved the art and the animation of this anime. It is always nice looking at shonen ai anime that does not take place in high school. The romance and story are evenly paste out so I did not get tired of either of the story or romance pretty quickly.
Sadly the anime is only 24 episodes and is in need of a second season. A friend of mine informed me that there is a manga which explains a lot more and goes further than the anime episodes. Thankfully I have picked up the thick
manga from Barnes n’ Nobel and will be reviewing it later.
I am very neutral on the protagonist Yuki Sakurai. Yuki is a kind, emotional, and caring protagonist. His job is to heal the Zweilts during their many battles. Many of the zweilts have personalities matching their powers (the zweilt who uses fire is hot headed for example). I was fine with Yuki not being strong enough to physically fight the duras and being independent on others. I can see how that kind of personality coming from a male protagonist might get on some people’s nerves.
If you are into shounen ai, romance, or people fighting with supernatural powers then this might be your anime.